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List Pages by Custom Taxonomy

Free WordPress Plugin to display a widget with a highly customizable dynamic list from any post type

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Pages by Custom Taxonomy

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Project Details

List Pages by Custom Taxonomy” is a custom plugin which I initially made for personal use, but then I decided to share it with the community and I published it on WordPress Repository. The plugin since then has been greatly improved and I have widely extended its functionalities, but in the meantime I’ve also been working on a Premium Version which is far more powerful and has tons of options for filtering and styling. This new version is nearly ready for distribution and hopefully it’ll be available soon!

With this widget you will be able to list pages or posts or any other post-type, filtering them by terms of categories, tags and any other active custom taxonomy. You can add filtering by custom Meta Field value, and decide how to order the list. You can also choose to display only Title, or to add Thumbnails, Excerpts and Date. Or you could display only the image with the details on rollover!

Its scope is very similar to the default Recent Posts widget, but you’ll have tons of options and you can use it for any post-type and taxonomy.

In addition to that, the plugin is structured to allow easy overriding of the output template, by placing a custom template file in your theme folder. There are also a few hooks and filters that developers can use to further customize the plugin’s output.

Obviously, I put a particular attention on following the wordpress development standards, and I provide responsive and effective support to users. The plugin’s rating of 5/5 confirms that I am doing a good job! 🙂


Features of this project:

Read the full list on the Plugin’s homepage


Bespoke Design: (N/A)
100% Complete
Bespoke Functionalities
100% Complete
Client Satisfaction
100% Complete